Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is caused by obstruction of the upper airway and involves episodes of paused or shallow breathing as you sleep, sometimes going between 20 and 40 seconds without breathing. The disorder has been linked to lower resistance to infection, depression and excessive fatigue, particularly during the day. When left untreated, OSA can have a drastic impact on your life. Relationships at work and home can become strained, and there is an increased risk of hypertension, stroke, diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure and even death. Seeking proper treatment for OSA is essential.

Muscles are meant to relax while you sleep, including muscles in your throat and tongue. This narrows your airway a bit, which causes snoring. Snoring itself is not a major issue, but louder snoring could be signifying OSA. OSA occurs when your airways is blocked to the point of not being able to breathe, often for up to 30 seconds. After your brain realizes that oxygen is limited, it forces you awake long enough to breathe. Because the episodes are so short, most OSA patients don’t remember any of them, and could live with the condition undetected for years if they live alone.

Dr. Anna Berik can provide you with an appliance called SomnoDent. It is an oral appliance worn as you sleep that reduces collapsibility in your upper airway. Each one is custom made to the wearer’s mouth and is discretely worn so you can’t notice it when you close your lips, and it won’t crush your tongue. Your jaw will move normally because SomnoDent won’t lock together.

How effective is SomnoDent?

  • 96% of patients with proven OSA state they would like to continue using SomnoDent
    • 91% of patients reported improvement in sleep quality with SomnoDent
    • 88% of patients reported nightly use of SomnoDent

For more information on Obstructive Sleep Apnea, please visit our website or call Newton Dental Associates at 617-965-0060 for an appointment.


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