When it comes to your smile, it is usually one of the first things that people notice about you. While you normally can’t achieve that perfect overnight, there are various steps that you can take. Newton Dental Associates has a few steps you can follow to improve the health and look of your smile and teeth.

  1. For the areas between your teeth and under your gum lines that toothbrushes can’t reach, we advise patients to floss to remove plaque. Not only will flossing help to remove plaque, but it also helps to prevent gingivitis and tooth decay. When plaque is left alone, it can create a buildup of tartar, which can result in periodontal disease. This can lead to tooth loss and bone destruction.
  2. To encourage good oral health and improve your smile, you should be scheduling cleanings at least every six months. If you’re not having your teeth cleaned regularly, you can develop periodontal disease. Not only will this affect your gums, but it is linked to strokes, heart attacks, sleep apnea and more.
  3. Not only is smoking terrible for your overall health, but it can negatively affect your oral health as well. Smoking cigarettes can stain your teeth and cause harm to your gums, resulting in them receding and developing large pockets. This gives the illusion of longer teeth and dark spaces in-between. Cigarette smoking can also make it tough to reverse gum disease.
  4. Along with cigarettes, drinks like red wine, coffee or tea can lead to stained teeth. While they can sometimes be polished off by your dentist, sometimes they are permanent. To reduce the risk of stains and tooth decay, use a straw when enjoying these beverages. To ensure that the dark liquid doesn’t sit on your teeth too long, rinse your mouth with water frequently.
  5. For adult patients with a crooked smile, an alternative to traditional braces is Invisalign. Not only do you not have to deal with metal and wires, but Invisalign offers a shorter timeframe for wearing. Instead of 2 years with traditional braces, you can expect to see that straight smile in as little as 3-4 months.

If you are interested in learning more on how you can correct your smile, contact the experts at Newton Dental Associates. We are happy to answer any questions you may have on our cosmetic dentistry or Invisalign services. To schedule an appointment, fill out our online form or call us at 617-965-0060.



From tooth cleaning to whitening, to full makeovers and total facial esthetics, Newton Dental Associates is a place for everyone.