If you have ever had braces before, than you understand that when you first get them in it makes certain tasks more difficult than when you didn’t have braces. For example pronouncing certain words or making specific sounds when you initially get braces can be hard. Just moving your mouth can feel different because you are not used to having something in your mouth that restricts your movements.
Regular braces can make your teeth sore and hurt your gums because of all the bracketing and wiring that is involved with installing the braces. Invisalign braces are similar in that they do restrict certain movements that your mouth uses to make certain sounds. The difference is that when you have invisalign braces in your mouth, there is little chance of gum inflammation and irritation which can further affect your speech.
With invisalign braces, it is likely that you may experience a slight lisp over the first few days of your treatment, but that will dissipate as your mouth adapts to wearing the invisalign braces. If you are really worried about making a public speech or having a performance while wearing invisalign braces than you have the ability to take them out for your performance and put them back in after. If you chose to have braces put in instead of invisalign you do not have that luxury.
Not only will invisalign not affect your speech in the long-run but it will actually help performers out. When performers wear invisaligns while practicing or performing, it makes their tongue move in ways it never had before and can make your voice more versatile. After your invisalign braces have been taken out and your teeth have great spacing it can increase your palate space and give you more control over what key you’re speaking or singing in as well as improve your articulation.