The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends consulting with a dentist before bleaching or whitening your teeth. A dentist can provide you with an approved whitening process to ensure no complications or health effects. Below, check out the teeth-whitening method we use at Newton Dental Associates.


Zoom!® Professional Teeth Whitening

The Zoom! Professional Teeth Whitening system is a safe in-office bleaching process that creates dramatic results in as little as 45 minutes. Discoloration and aging effects can be forever improved with Zoom! Newton Dental Associates has a team of trained professionals that will create an effortless process for you to endure with Zoom!


Benefits of the Zoom! Teeth Whitening System:

  • Convenience. Let our experts do the work for you. Results will appear in less than 1 hour.
  • Safety. Whitening your teeth is considered by many dentists to be the safest cosmetic dental procedure available when done in the hands of a professional. Let us guide you throughout the process. 
  • Results. By following the instructions our assistants give you, your teeth will always be lighter than they were before you tried Zoom! You will be in love with the results we provide for your smile.


How It Works

Very simply, The Zoom! light, and gel work cohesively to gently penetrate your teeth, breaking up any stains or discoloration. With Zoom! Professional Teeth Whitening System, your teeth will be dramatically whiter in less than 1 hour. If you want more information on how this process works, you can schedule a consultation with our experts today.


Contact Us Today

Call us to schedule an appointment for Zoom! Teeth Whitening today, or ask your hygienist about it at your next appointment. You can contact the experts at Newton Dental Associates by calling (617) 965 – 0060 or emailing We hope to hear from you soon!


From tooth cleaning to whitening, to full makeovers and total facial esthetics, Newton Dental Associates is a place for everyone.